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Being a “foodie” doesn’t necessarily mean you have a big budget or use a sous-vide machine on a daily basis.  Punch aims to fill the alternative food-writing niche while focusing on passionate food lovers and food makers who lean into feminist, independent lifestyles.


Punch is a multi-platform publication centered around great meals and greater company. This self-initiated project was created alongside Kelly Shea, a fellow designer with a love for tasty food and DIY zines. We wrote our own content, styled shoots and sourced photography, and created a brand buildout that included print, web, and environmental design. After creating the print spreads for the zine, I created the website with a similar playful and irreverent visual style.

Punch Zine

Punch Site articles gif
Punch site responsive view examples
Punch website page layout examples
Punch zine spread gif

Drawing inspiration from brutalist web design and short-run foodie zines, the Punch site was built with the desire to make every article feel fun and different while still being part of the same brand. Cutouts and overlap are recurring elements used, and consistent type treatment helps everything tie together. You can view the live version of the site, which works best when displayed on a desktop or laptop, by clicking here

The print zine is a consolidated version of the website, with the theme of "food drunk". The zine is photo-heavy and more “art” driven, whereas the website is content-heavy and allows for the opportunity of more interaction with the user.

Punch zine lineup
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